When God provides three pounds of apples for $1.00, make...applesauce, and apple pie. That's just what we did!
This weekend, Saturday to be exact, I happened upon an amazing sale: a three pound bag of apples for $1.00. I purchased several, tossed them in the backseat and drove home, proud as a peacock. My husband was somewhat astonished.
Bright and early this morning (no the internal clocks of my children did not automatically reset) my oldest daughter asked to make pie. That request led to applesauce. And so, by mid-morning the house smells of sweet scents of fall. I'm convinced if I look out the window, hues of brown, orange, yellow and red will paint the countryside. Though some of you may have that delight, we in the sunny south are blessed with palm trees and evergreens. Nonetheless, my house smells of fall.
Baking the apple pie reminded me of the several recipes and activities from
Flip Three Pancakes With One Spatula. Out came the books and poof, we spent the morning with apples instead of starting the moon study I had intended. Oh well, that was my plan, not THE PLAN.
Here are some ideas (in case you find an apple bargain):
- Use an apple slicer to slice an apple into eight equal parts. Discuss how many slices make up half an apple and a quarter of the apple. Divide the slices evenly among the people at the table. Add peanut butter for a yummy snack.
- Cut an apple in half length-wise and width-wise. Discuss the differences. Talk about symmetry. Count the seeds.
- Purchase three or four types of apples. How do they taste? Do some taste differently? Some sweet? some sour? Make a graph of the family favorites.
- Arrange whole apples (preferably different types) on the table and draw an apple still life. Discuss shading and light source.
- Visit an apple orchard and pick apples.
- Make an apple pie.

- Make applesauce.
Read some good books:
- Apples! by Ken Robbins
- The Apple Orchard by Patricia J. Murphy
- Apples! Apples! by Gail Gibbons
- From Apples to Applesauce by Kristen Thoennes Keller
- How Do Apples Grow? by Betsy Maestro
- Apple Fractions by Jerry Pallotta