Saturday, August 20, 2011

Singing Catchy Tunes At Our House

I remember every lyric to the Saturday morning Schoolhouse Rock tunes my brothers and I would watch. Those lyrics helped me learn complicated (at least for me) grammatical and mathematical concepts. Imagine my delight when a friend sent me a link to a You Tube video of one of my favorites! It wasn't a Schoolhouse Rock tune, but it was one I remember hearing somewhere. Nonetheless, I remembered the concept of silent e after listening time and time again. This morning, I immediately clicked the link to let my seven year old daughter listen. She had just reviewed the silent e concept the day before, so she was super excited about the upbeat ditty.

more silent e

two vowels go walking

-ly words (adverbs)

The Hound Song


th words

50 states and capitols

first ten elements of the periodic table

counting by fives

Happy learning!

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